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Your Tailgate EDC

August 20, 2017

Your Tailgate EDC

It’s begun.

The season before the season. Concussive forces, eternal feuds, and levels of comradery you won’t find anywhere else outside of the military.

NFL preseason.

65 games of some of the toughest men in the States, battling it out with breakneck speeds and world class precision; testing new players, warming up the veterans – keeping it reserved, until the real fight starts in September. That also means one of the greatest American pastimes is working out its wintery joints and getting ready for the wild season ahead.

You know what we’re talking about. Soon as the sun peaks past the horizon, the parking lots start buzzing. Stands get set up, vehicles get parked, and the beer gets its first ice bath as the tailgaters come out to play. Dripping meats cooked over charcoal, cornhole and horseshoes, and enough booze to kill everyone’s kidneys – tailgating in a sea of sports-colored jerseys is a recipe for unforgettable times, good or bad.

We say bad because, well, you better come prepared for afull day of eating, drinking, and entirely biased, shameless team promotion. If you’re hosting your own tailgate, you better come equipped with a vehicle, chairs, booze, food for the day, a way to cook it, and more team memorabilia than your rivals.

But, what about your personal carry? Should it differ from your everyday?

Absolutely. You’ll need to get strapped up with a megaphone capable of putting the announcers to shame, some confetti, a few footballs, and a breathalyzer for sure.

No, no, you don’t really need to switch up your EDC for game day. Sure, you could add a bottle opener in the mix, if you don’t already have one on your keychain. But there’s no reason to go to lengths to get crazy gear for the pre-game parties. Just come with a jersey on your back, and an appetite for conflict and relaxation, both aplenty.

That being said – you better come ready to sit comfortably for hours without waking up the next morning with more pain than the usual hangover. Specifically, make sure you’re carrying a Ridge. Keep all your valuable info, cash, and cards tucked away safe in a durable, RFID-protected case designed to be carried in your front pocket. As small as a credit card, and thinner than your phone, you won’t have to worry about sitting on an inclined surface all day and the terrible back pain that comes along with it.

Get out on the tailgate, eat some delicious barbeque, drink some cold brew, and don’t worry about your wallet. Carry a Ridge.

Oh, and if you haven’t been to a tailgating party yet, you’ve been missing out on some serious American culture and unforgettable times. Get your ass to your team’s stadium at the break of dawn and experience it for yourself.