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Three Key Gadgets for World Travelers

June 25, 2018

Three Key Gadgets for World Travelers

Traveling, as Mark Twain once said, is “fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness.” As beautiful of a saying as that is, traveling can also be stressful and frustrating. The reality is both are true and go hand in hand. The stress and frustration that can occur from being outside of your comfort zone can lead to major growth! However, traveling doesn’t need to be exasperating to help you see the world in a new light.

One way to minimize the less enjoyable aspects of traveling is having the right tools to make your temporary home away from home more comfortable. Ridge Wallet is one of the companies helping adventurers enjoy the road without pulling all their hair out. The power bankis one of the industries’ best, freeing you up from the tethers of outlets.

Our high tech wallet keeps you safe from thieves looking to steal your bank information digitally. Few things are worse than finding out you have to cancel all your credit cards while you’re continents away from your nearest bank. The great unknown is calling, so here are a few other gadgets to make the road less weary. 

The Octopus Charger:

As we mentioned, the Ridge Wallet power bank is great for charging your multitude of electronics on the go. However, it’s also extremely handy to have a wall chargerthat can not only charge multiple devices at once but also, plug into any outlet in the world. We humans struggle with uniformity; there is no better evidence of that than the wide variety of outlets types you find all over this planet. Having a charger that powers all your devices at once, no matter where you are, keeps something that should be simple, simple.

Sleep Easy:

Everyone knows about neck pillows. Unfortunately, the U shaped neck braces are universally agreed upon as uncomfortable. Thankfully, various travel companies have realized this and come up with a bevy of options. The most jarring aspect of traveling is losing sleep while on a plane, train or automobile. All people sleep differently and these pillows take that account, allowing even the most uneasy of sleepers a chance at some shut eye.

Shut Out the World:

Taking in new sights, sounds and experiences are what traveling is all about. Yet, taking in the sounds of a screaming baby isn’t good for anyone. Having a quality pair of headphones that shut out the world for a couple hours can be the difference between hating life for eight hours on a flight or blissfully listening to your favorite music or podcast. Just about every company boasts their own pair, but, in case researching headphones sound awful, Forbes has put together a list for your perusal.

Traveling isn’t meant to go perfectly; the messiness is part of the deal. However, that doesn’t mean you need to be in pain. These gadgets just let travelers maximize the best parts of voyaging while minimizing the worst.