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Quit saying it's the end of Summer

September 13, 2017

Quit saying it's the end of Summer

Look, we know it's true. According to the calendar year, Summer is on its way out. Kids are staring down the barrel of another school year and the weather doesn't have that August kick it had a few weeks ago—but Summer is a mindset and we're hellbent staying in it for as long as possible. 

The fact that the season is changing can mean a lot of things, depending on who you are. It could mean no more family vacations for you (which may not be a bad thing). It could mean that you’ve got to swap the booze for books for the new school year. Or, maybe you’re waking up at 5am to take your kids to band or football practice, now.

Either way, serious summer blues can start to hit you hard here at the end.

We aren’t about to indulge in any type of lull in morale, though. So, here are a few ways you can make the best out of the last few days of Summer and through the year.

  1. Act like you’ve died.

If you really don’t want to go back to that job you could totally go to the extreme, fake your death, and start over in another country,but we don’t recommend that. Instead, you could take some notes from the deceased, and do not adamn thing for the next couple of weeks.

Now, that may seem strange coming from us; we advocate traveling and exploration a lot. But, that’s what summer is for. The end of summer is to recoup for the grind you’ve got ahead. Turn the world off, send the distractions away, and do whatever your definition of relaxing is - excessively.

  1. Positively prep for the onslaught.

Work doesn’t have to be dreadful. Hopefully, you love what you do - but for the rest of who just have to pay the bills, the end of summer marks a harrowing for the year of work ahead.

A good way to cut down on the stress and anxiety that comes with a huge workload it to positively prepare for the oncoming year. Yes, mental affirmations are great - but some practical advice includes setting attainable, monetizable goals for the year ahead. Whether it’s to get a promotion, save X amount of dollars, or launch that side-hustle you’ve been dreaming of for years - time doesn’t seem nearly as long, and a sucky job doesn’t hurt nearly as bad while you’re consistently working toward a solid, attainable goal.

  1. Don’t stop having fun.

We don’t mean to continue partying every Friday night like a ritual, but continuing to get that time in with the guys is crucial. Whatever it is you collectively do - poker, boating, golf, non-stop shots in frat house - don’t stop!

There are weekends for a reason. Rest, recuperate, party, do what you enjoy. You don’t even need the weekends, really. Meet up after work. Hell, you don’t even have to meet up with any of the boys if you don’t want to. Take your wife out on a frequent dates. Take the children out to see the world.

Summer doesn’t mean the end of your sun-shining happiness, and it definitely doesn’t have to be a looming prospect as these last few weeks move on. Enjoy the last bit of vacation you have, relax, mentally prep yourself for the badass year you’re about to create, and above all - don’t stop doing what you love.